Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Flint Family Reunion

Hi! Austin Family Members,
I just returned from the Flint Austin Family Reunion, held August 13-15, 2010. It was fun and informative. I enjoyed meeting and greeting old and new family members during the Friday fish fry. The fish fry was good and the dancing fun. I didn't know William Austin was Ken Austin's real name. Everyone, the children and adults, seemed to have enjoyed the games on Saturday at the picnic. Foodwise- Lets remember to serve an array of vegetables and meats (everyone can not eat BBQ), at the correct temperature during the picnic. Smile

Here are a few photos from the reunion. I will be posting other pics from past reunions and family gatherings , plus any news I have entertained about the family on Facebook or conversations.

 P.S. Anna is back at Kentucky State University

From Your Happily Retired Detroit Austin Family Member,


  1. The Byrd family had a good time in Flint this weekend.

  2. Hello Austin Family! I am family from Baltimore Maryland, daughter of Will Austin of Hatchechebee Alabama, niece of Johnny Austin. I hosted a Family Reunion in Baltimore MD in 1996, and have lots of pictures of family. I organized a reunion for 2020, but COVID hit, causing plans to come to a halt. I still wish to try to schedule a Family Reunion here in Baltimore, but need to know if family is interested in a Reunion 2025 in Baltimore.
    Any feedback is welcome.

  3. Connect with me at or 410-908-8013

  4. Hello family, connect with me here or by email at or text me at 410-908-8013
