Monday, August 23, 2010

Help! I need photos from the Indiana Austin Family Reunion.

I can not find any photos from the year 2008 on my laptop. So, I have no pics from the reunion that year. Post some of your photos on your Facebook page and message me or e-mail the photos to me. Telephone me if you are not a facebook friend, so I can give you my e-mail address. I will post the photos on the blog. Thanks for your help.

Your Happily Retired Austin Family Member

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Photos from Flint Austin Reunion


Flint Family Reunion

Hi! Austin Family Members,
I just returned from the Flint Austin Family Reunion, held August 13-15, 2010. It was fun and informative. I enjoyed meeting and greeting old and new family members during the Friday fish fry. The fish fry was good and the dancing fun. I didn't know William Austin was Ken Austin's real name. Everyone, the children and adults, seemed to have enjoyed the games on Saturday at the picnic. Foodwise- Lets remember to serve an array of vegetables and meats (everyone can not eat BBQ), at the correct temperature during the picnic. Smile

Here are a few photos from the reunion. I will be posting other pics from past reunions and family gatherings , plus any news I have entertained about the family on Facebook or conversations.

 P.S. Anna is back at Kentucky State University

From Your Happily Retired Detroit Austin Family Member,